Wide-format Monochrome & Color Scanning

Vibrant Color Imaging

The transfer of PDF files is changing the way all of us do business, and no company in our region is more prepared to help you with your color and monochrome imaging needs than Traverse Repro.  We feature 6 wide-format scanners, each with it’s own specialty, that help us provide the most vibrant color scans, as well as crisp, detailed, black & white document scans.  To go with the equipment, you’ll also be the beneficiary of our meticulously high standards when producing a scanned image.  We take as much time as necessary to make sure that your image is as clean as it can be.

Red-Line Scanning

So you’re at the end of a lengthy construction project, and you need to provide your customer closeout documents of the red-lined, as-built drawings that have accumulated.  In that case, you need to come to Traverse Repro.  We have filters setup in our color scanners that allow us to highlight the color line-based markups and highlighter work, while providing a nice white point for the background of the construction document.  We can take take those documents and provide you a CD filled with PDF’s for future printing.

Mounted Originals

Do you have color renderings that have been mounted to foamboard that you’re looking to have scanned?  Look no where else but Traverse Repro.  We can scan high-coverage color documents up to 40″ in width with thicknesses up to 1/2″ using our premium wide-format document scanner.  We also have an 18″x24″ high resolution flatbed scanner that allows us to scan originals up to 1″ thick.  We provide this service with a careful precautionary process intended to make sure that your valuable originals are safe through the imaging process.

B/W Archive Scans

Fire, water, and natural disasters can wipe out a business that took years to build.  What would it take to recreate your valuable documents?  What would you do if you lost everything?  Talk to us about our digital archiving services.  We have consulted and implemented document archiving for many companies throughout Michigan.  Let us show you how to get those valuable documents into a safe, easy, digital form that will ensure those documents will always be available to you when you need them.  Once we’re done, you might even find yourself with more office space to work with.